Buying Products

We try to have accurate pricing and availability information on all the products we offer; despite our best efforts, a small number of the products in our catalogue may be mis-priced or have inaccurate stock availability information. We do verify prices as part of our acceptance procedure, and will inform you if a products correct price is higher than that stated in your order, so you may ultimately decide whether or not to order the product at the correct price.

We may change the price of any product at any time before you place an order. If the goods you have ordered are not in stock, we may send an e-mail to inform you, at which time you may decide to wait a little longer or decide to cancel your order. We do our best to accurately estimate when items will be despatched and/or delivered; however, these estimates are based on several factors over which we have no control and as such, time for despatch and/or delivery shall not be of the essence of the contract and should be considered as rough estimates only.

We reserve the right to substitute a product within an order when the product has been discontinued or has been out of stock for an extended period of time. Any substitute products added to an order may differ slightly in appearance, but will be of equal or greater specification and monitory value, with no additional charge added for this addition.


Reason why shipping costs may change

We reserve the right to review shipping costs for large orders prior to dispatch. In the instance where the fixed delivery cost displayed within the checkout are not sufficient to ship your order. We will you contact you as soon as possible to ensure the speedy delivery of your item.